Pepper: Local Motion Album Release A mainstays within the reggae-rock genre, Hawaii’s own Pepper, will be releasing a brand new album this summer.
Stick Figure: On The Rocks Tour One of the biggest names in American reggae will embark on a tour, scheduled around their Red Rocks performance.
Lyrics to Live By: Stick Figure Positivity in all facets of life is one of the paramount themes in the lyrics from Stick Figure.
Stick Figure: European Debut Perhaps the hottest name in American reggae have announced their first ever tour dates in Europe.
Stick Figure: Regains Billboard Top Spot After 23-weeks since the release of Set In Stone, the 2015 release still holds the Billboard #1 spot.
Stick Figure: Set In Stone Tour Perhaps the hottest name in American reggae currently, Stick Figure, will embark on a nationwide tour to begin 2016.
Stick Figure: ‘Set in Stone’ Release One of the fastest growing American Reggae-Rock-Dub bands, Stick Figure, is set to release a new studio album